It has been some time since I have done a Wips in pics post, so today is the day!
First, onto a long hibernating project, the men's sock in Cleckheaton 8 ply Country Silk (from memory). This is the project I am knitting to teach my friend how to knit. Yes, cyber friends, you are not the only ones I have been neglecting, I've also been nelgecting some of my face to face friends as well. Sigh - my bad, entirely. I hope to catch up with the interepid newbie sock knitter this week, so its time to dust this one off and go buy another ball of yarn to finish.
Second, the Lotus Blossom Tank, for me!
This is actually proving difficult to photograph, and some of the stitches in the pattern are proving counter intuitive; with the garment being knit in the round, there is no let up in the yarn overs or an easy alternate round. Instead there are purls on yos and K2togs where you think there should be ssk's, and I am using a too slippery a needle; but hey, whatever. I am getting there and that is all that counts. This is not a process knit for me and I am not enjoying this lace. However, I do want to wear this to work asap; so although it makes my head hurt, I am battling on.
Next - the start of something wonderful - a pair of socks knit with Donni's own hand-dyed sock wool:
The pattern is matahari. I have added an eyelet row to the ribbingfor a ribbon detail later. You can buy some of Donni's lush and extravagantly coloured yarn from her Etsy store, Yarncakes. Buy many, buy often, I say!
Next, is Michele, which is far from stalled: I have started the front - this is the back to under the armholes:
And I have almost finished Clue #1 of the "Secret of the Stole" KAL. I told you I was s...l...o...w... ! :o) I am up to row 60 or so, I think...
Fear not, this image represents many hours spent knitting, pre-stringing beads etc.
I have printed out up to Chart 5, so I have another 2 charts to print, let alone knit! Never mind, one day I shall finish her!
My pattern for the next lace extravaganza has arrived, Jae's "Pretty as a peacock" shawl! (KAL here). I'm just waiting for payday to order the yarn! Then it is a long long hyatis from the ordering of more yarn as I contemplate how to get through 2007's purchases! oh, happy, happy me!
(I will be setting up some more posts for through the week, to give you som real life updates, if you are interested! Come back later to find out more!)
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